Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rainy Morning and Dreams

You know how somtimes when you're having a great dream, where something amazing is happening or the world is perfect and you feel great? Maybe you're even having a flying dream (for me it's more of a hovering dream - I just have just to tense my chest and back muscles in exactly the right order to initiate flight). Anyway, when you awake from the dream you find you're still floating in that wonderful mist of feeling, and you think "I have to remember this one". But only minutes later, you're scrambling to recall that particular feeling, or even what the dream was about? Yeah, I know, it sucks.

It's raining this morning. I'm sitting here bewildered, wishing I could get that feeling back.

...I need to keep a notebook next to the bed.



Anonymous said...

Reality check!! Seems to me it may be time to move on, get this trip over, go home and get a JOB.

Anonymous said...

Bob, please delete the above comment. Keeping it in front of you will only bring a knot to the pit of your stomach every time you re-read it. You've worked very hard on this journey; don't let a couple of rainy days get you down. I am a married working mom of 4, and I still feel very BLAH on rainy days ... believe me, "getting a job" won't change that. I wish you happiness in whatever you decide to do ... and many more happy dreams. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, having a job or agenda does keep you grounded.I personally love a rainy day and time off. Not meaning to "knot" your stomach Bob, but, you asked for feedback. I vote B..