Thursday, August 28, 2008

Act Three

Click the photo to enlarge

The Saint Christopher medal is a thoughtful gift from a very dear friend.

First Camp - On the Outskirts of Yarmouth

Second Camp - An East Pubnico Cemetary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Bob,
You are a kindred spirit! I connected to your blog just when you started
your journey
and have travelled along ever since. I have been tempted to make comments but
remember something my daughter told me some years back “mom, I don't want your advise
just want you to listen” and so I have listened as you have taken your journey and
worked through “life”.

A lesson I have learned though is that we are all connected and we all have the same
yearnings, concerns and questions but some of us choose to ignore them, some blot them
out with vices, others keep them close to the chest and try and work them out
themselves(can't be done) and then others share. In sharing, we all learn.... some
of us loosen the grip on what we are feeling, others experience “ah ha” moments when we
recognize that we are not alone or that we are on the right path.
I struggled most of my life trying to be what I think “others” want me to be or what I
think I “should be” instead of doing what gives me “bliss” which is doing for others,
whether it is helping to clean up after a “feast”, sharing my passion for the place
that I live with visitors, helping a friend buck and split fire wood or house/kid/pet
sitting. Where as I am always questioning or thinking far too much about a
“career/job” choice when I follow my "bliss", my work becomes my life and I want for
You are on the right track and you have affirmed mine! And you don't need the genetics have already left the best part of you with everyone you have encountered
and that is your kind heart. You have left your mark and have changed the lives of
everyone you have touched as they have changed you. You are where you need to be... in
your heart...the rest will follow.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take
our breath away." George Carlin