Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Photo Albums!

Saturday Night's Parade of Lights on the Yarmouth Waterfront - Click Here!

Sunday's Sandcastle Contest at Port Maitland Beach - Click Here!


Anonymous said...

Tre - NO "tramp stamp" or peeing photos... you're giving your nieces/newphews a bad example. It looks really cold there by the water. Is it?

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like our winter here! I can't believe how anyone way up North in Nova Sota can go to the beach wearing only shorts. They must be a very hardy people up there in Canada!


~Bob Viens said...

Yes, the water was extremely cold. Carla was wearing a wet suit which helps a bit, but I had to keep going to the shallows to thaw. Once I got used to it, I was good for 20 minutes or so, until I lost feeling in my toes. Really, it was freezing. The ocean up here only varies an average of 7 degrees from the coldest temperature in winter to the warmest in the summer. I was so amazed by that fact. It's truly a testament to the grandness of the sea.

Still looking forward to my next swim though. ~B