Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back on the bike...kinda

Actually, I just went on a 55k ride. I averaged over 25kph, which is a lot better than the 16 or 17 I get when I'm fully loaded and pacing myself. It felt GREAT! I've got a couple of appointments tomorrow, one to explore how complicated it's going to be for me to stay and work in NS for a while, and the other one to get a cavity filled. I've been putting it off for some time now and it's finally hurting every time I drink anything cold. I wonder how much I can save if I pass on the Novocaine. Ouch!

Having a hard day today. My friend Joleah told me to "remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this very moment" There are days when that feels like the case and other days when I feel like I'm off track. Tonight's ride felt "natural" - me out on the bike, pumping hard, at times experiencing a sense of flying, watching the world pass by. Maybe that's what I'm doing now, watching the world pass me by. I've been thinking again today about what I do when it's time to re-enter the real world. Will it be here, or in Bar Harbor, or up in Amherst, or some yet to be discovered place further up along the coast, or back in Massachusetts or in Vermont, or riding further south to avoid the cold. I'll know more tomorrow, but right now, today, I feel completely up in the air. Without the traditional anchors of an established home with all the associated obligations, and a regular routine involving some version of a nine to five, it's easy to get lost in your perceptions. I'm prone to that even under the most regimented situation.

So what's next??? For now, I've been staying busy here in Yarmouth taking care of overdue handyman stuff. Today I dropped off a mower carburetor to get the jets cleaned and to have a rebuild kit installed, and then I laid down a new floor in Carla's upstairs kitchen. It looks like a pro did it, but no, it was just little ol' me. It's funny how some guys react to my willingness and ability to help. One of them actually handed me a fallen light dimmer knob to put back so his girlfriend wouldn't get the idea that he could actually fix things. He was kidding, but I have observed that mindset to be not at all uncommon. Can you tell I'm having a moment here?

As always, the sun will come out tomorrow...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow...



Anonymous said...

Here in Amherst, the sun has indeed come out today! I was just checking in on your blog before heading out to the Little League game today. I'm sorry to hear about your toothache ... that's one kind of pain I was never very good at coping with. It looks like you've had a beautiful ride so far; I hope thing continue to go well for you! Take care ... and don't forget to rest when needed. You'll probably only do this once, so milk it for all it's worth!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I know at some point i have told you this "If you want to give God a laugh, tell him your plans." You are and have been exactly where you are susposed to be. if you havent kept up on ibrattleboro, check out the "decency" idea for the lot and town. got a good conversation going. sorry about your tooth, but tht too shall pass.
love d

Anonymous said...

........betcha bottom dollah that tomorro....... there'll be sun.........tomorrow, tomorrow..........

What a good movie. Very inspirational, very uplifting. Very bright and cheerful and forward-looking. As you have been looking forward to this trip and enjoying this trip we J's all hope that you can look at tomorrow as brightly as you can this trip. In my ways this trip has been your Annie. Very uplifitng, very bright, and very cheerful. Certainly the good people of NS have come through for you after your misfortune.

Bob, your future is bright and cheery. Remember, it's all about balance. Otherwise, without good balance you'd fall off your bike. :-) We miss you down here in Montague & Brattleboro.

Sorry about your tooth. An old philosophy buddy once told me that pain stinks, but absence of pain is nice, but should not be confused with euphoria. I hope your tooth pain is gone and that you will soon be experiencing euphoria in your life (with no toothaches!)

MJ ;-)