Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Day in Amherst


Anonymous said...

bygodfrinidous (a clean cuss word of a 90 yr old lady I cared for) A
MOVIE!!! We all know of Wes Craven, of the Northern Kingdom, dont we?? I have been following his movies past 15 years. I bought a video (Sevca) that his daughter made, of suicidal/homless teens and it was very good. Bob this was ordained to be a big fat something and it is. deanna

Anonymous said...

This just keeps on growing into a story all its own! Good on you for donating the famous stolen bike, Bob! Who knew when you launched that all this would happen? Laura

Anonymous said...

no slugs in Brattelboro? Put a side dish of beer away from camp and they will gather there. grose huh!

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your story Bob! (Well, aside from the bit where it was stolen, but the better events that followed). We've been following it everyday from Springhill.

I was happy to hear you say Am-erst, as opposed to Am-herst like many out-of-towner's do! I hope the one or two people who slowed your trip don't overshadow the many others who a better representation of our province!

Good luck on the rest of your time in Amherst, and the rest of your trip!