Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life...

On Friday when I was walking from the library down Victoria Street to the police station wearing my bike outfit and my clicky bicycle shoes carrying only my camera bag, my battery chargers, and my journal I had a feeling that, in spite of what had just befallen me, everything would turn out alright, that I'd get through it and that something special was ahead of me while I figured out what happens next. Well, I was right. Yesterday I received a visit from Amherst Police Chief Ian Naylor who was carrying a check from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. Between that check, the donation I received from Canadian Tire, and another generous check that came in the mail this morning, I have more than enough to replace all that was taken from me and to get me back on the road. I can't thank everyone enough for all of the generosity, love, and support that you've shown me during, what has proven to be, the most unusual week of my life. This has been a truly humbling and uplifting experience. I am deeply grateful.

I'd like to encourage any of you who would still like to contribute, but haven't had the opportunity to do so, to send your contributions to one of the following. I'll be doing the same shortly:

The Salvation Army
93 Main Street
PO Box 516
Springhill, NS BOM 1X0
Jamie Hillier was there for me during a very low point over the weekend.

The Cumberland Regional Library
PO Box 220
Amherst NS B4H 3Z2
I don't know what I would have done without their helpful and understanding staff.

I'll be posting more shortly, but I wanted to get the word out as soon as possible. By the way, all of the photographs and journal pages pictured in my posts are expandable by just clicking on them. I've been doing a lot of writing in my journal about this experience and I'd like to share it with all of you. I apologize in advance for my handwriting. After you've read the enlarged journal entry just click the "Back" button to return to the blog.

Again, thank you all for being the good apples that chased away the bad.




Anonymous said...

yes Bob, there is a Santa Claus (more like a spirtual leader) I can only say that my impression of Nova Scotia is giving, kind, generous, i hope none of the downer comments in newspapers go to you, there are some people who cannot see good anywhere. cant wait for you next "Lucky Cornflake
Adventure." deanna

~Bob Viens said...

Thanks Deanna, I've been intentionally not looking at those. All is well! ~B

Anonymous said...

It's too bad we couldn't have met under different circumstances. My prayers will go with you for the duration of your trip.

Devin (Four Fathers Memorial Library)

Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up ! I am glad things are turning around for you.

Have a great weekend !!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that some people stepped up and proved that, in our town, we are not all like the person who took your belongings. I'm happy you'll be able to get your stuff but sad to know that you will be leaving our town. I hope you take with you the memories of those that did good and not just the bad parts. Please stopped back "in" when you head home and enjoy the rent of your trip.

Anonymous said...

Good news, Bob! If you have any money left over, why not buy some cornflakes? There just might be more lucky adventure ones in there.

I stopped at Burrows yesterday for you.

Joann Nichols

Anonymous said...

Trebor - I'm proud of you. While you could have empowered the a**hole(s) who caused this... instead you turned the page and moved forward... but most importantly, you have not forgotten to thank those who came to your aid. Good Job!
Lecram of CA

~Bob Viens said...

Thanks Joann. I think you're on to something with finding Lucky Cornflake Jr. Maybe I could do a reeeally tiny one. I'm planning on reducing my equipment for the next leg of my trip. Cheers! ~B

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart! I am so happy to read that you are doing much better. I hope your journey continues with a much less rocky road.....we love you can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Your equipment was reduced , so, hopefully you will have learned that u didn't need soooo much stuff, mayb from the get go. Happy trails.

Anonymous said...

My hubby (Gary) and I are happy to hear you're well on your way to getting back on the road! I'm sorry your impression of Amherst started off so negative, but I hope that some of us have been able to change that. We'll be praying that you have a safe journey, and can't wait to read more updates! :)
