There's no getting around it, I'm writing for two. It's been great fun, and an amazing exersise in self discovery, showing you my insides and letting you peer through the open window, but it's different now. I'll still continue the travel portion of this journal, because I want to chronicle this time together, but the soul searching and soap opera are over.
We're grabbing a bus today and heading to Bangor, then up to Moosehead Lake, I won't be posting for a week or so. I hope you've enjoyed reading along as much as I've enjoyed writing.
This photo was taken yesterday at Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park. Well worth the visit.
Cheers, and Thanks!
BTW, I'm keeping my man card.
I think I see the Bobby fro coming back......don't they make razors in Canada?
The "soap opera is over"...........we think the soap opera is only getting juicier. The cornflake cataclysm continues on..............
BTW, Napoleon Dynamite would be proud of you. Not only do you have riding skills, but you can make your writing dance, too!
A Fan
There is nothing wrong with being in love, but the Cornflake thing may be grounds for Man Card Revocation.
Our mission is to issue every Man in the world their Authentic Man Card. Tell your significant other to get yours for you at my site, The best present someone could purchase!
I agree with Tom - hey, I tried going out with my buddies just the other month - my lady hesitated about letting me go with my own 'man card.'
I once awoke with painted fingernails, woven locks of hair, and longing for old time musicals starring Julie Andrews. No more man-card for me! :-)
I think you should give up your card. The 'coffee house incident' should be sufficient evidence.........
Dork Mandue
I like the hair...much more familiar...just the way I remember.
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