Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ich bin ein Augsburger*

After a couple of weeks of anxiety and fears of the worst possible outcome, we had our appointment with the Auslanderbehorde, here in Augsburg, to file for my residency permit so I can reside and work in Augsburg with Marietta. We were told it would be a lengthy process with no guarantee of a positive outcome. Oh, boy! Instead, it ended up being no problem witha wait time for the permit of approximately one hour! Not, one month like we expected, but rather one hour. So, I have it! I don't have to leave Germany in a hurry to comply with any 90 day rule, and I can work when I'm ready. Right now, my main occupation is to become proficient in German, but at some point, I now know I can work. Phew! 

It feels good, actually a little scary too, since I'm technically no longer a tourist, but now a resident. Ich bin ein Augsburger! I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough.

BTW, Augsburg is a REALLY beautiful city. I'm going to be posting more photos soon.

Prost! (that means Cheers!)


*The title of this post is an all to obvious reference to the famous speech by JFK made in Berlin in 1963. You can learn more and listen to the actual recording by following this link. Good luck holding back the goosebumps, I know I can't. ~b

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays! Congrats on your new residency...can't wait to see your new pics too! Keep at it!