Thursday, January 1, 2009

Unbelievable Welcome to 2009!

At 12:00, while the New Year's champagne glasses were clinking, with greetings of "Prost" and "Gutes Neues" (pronounced Goo-tes Noy-es, a.k.a. Happy New Year) still going around, the fireworks began. All over the city, fireworks! They were everywhere! The streets full of people, the bangs, pops and fizzles, and explosions of light literally everywhere. And on top of it all, every church bell in the city ringing at once! I've never seen anything like it, never. Where I come from, people go to see the fire works. Here, on New Years Eve in Augsburg, the fireworks are all around. 

We walked around, after lighting off our last battery of pyrotechnics, and marveled at the sight. I shall never forget it. 

Once again, Happy New Year! - Gutes Neues!


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