Friday, May 30, 2008

Pemequid Point

This is the lighthouse on the back on the Maine Quarter. Very beautiful!

I'm at the Bremen Public Library headed for Rockland.


Anonymous said...

Trebor Sneiv,
The GREAT STATE of FRUITS AND NUTS (aka: CA) wishes you the best. I'm glad I can read the blog and follow your adventure. Where in the world is our Trebor!
Your Finest CA Cousin,
Lecram Sneiv

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob!

Welcome to Maine... Wish I had caught you while you were in southern Maine! (Cape Neddick) ...maybe on the return trip. You can have a bed and a lobster at least. (There's a great light house down here for you to photograph. Nubble)

This sounds like a wild trip... Got to your blog tonight ...can't wait to read more. We've all had a few bends in the road by the sounds of it, but you've got the right attitude and you're doing one of the best things you can do in life. Live.

Can't believe you were in Brat... I use to spend a lot of time in Putney. (Twin sis Karen had/has a diner there and was owner of the Moles Eye for a few years.)

Anyway.. looking forward to your trip north. I have not been farther that Portland, other than ski trips to Sunday River 20 years ago.

Enjoy... swing by for a lobster on the way back.

Mike Z.

Anonymous said...

Man! That cornflake is as big as a barn! Very nice shot.