Thursday, May 8, 2008


OK, where do I begin?

I didn't get the Director's position at In-Sight. They went with an adjunct professor from Rochester. Sounds like a great choice, but I'm still bummed.

I lost my day job at Auto Mall. They downsized 5 positions. Shitty economy. Last day is Friday, May 8th.

I'm leaving for Nova Scotia as soon as I can clean out my apartment, probably next weekend. I'm giving it up and selling or giving away anything that won't fit on my bike (except my Mac, some photos, and a road bike that I'll store at my folks house. I know it sounds a little crazy, but I'm using the proceeds from the sale of my car and my stuff to settle my obligations and give me a fresh start. I need to have all my loose ends tied up and don't want to be worrying about anything behind me.

I was talking with friends about the likelihood of going out on the road and experiencing what will truly be amazing and life changing, and then coming back to resume my life in my apartment and getting a job at another dealership. It just ain't gonna happen. When I get back to my apartment I'll be a couple grand in debt and then what? If I give up the apartment, I have options, a lot more options. I could stay on the road for the whole summer. Maybe I'll end up landing somewhere that needs a me more than Brattleboro. Maybe I'm looking for my next home. I won't know 'til I do it.

I watched "Into the Wild" a few nights ago. Soooo fitting for me with what lies ahead (except for the dying in the wilderness part). One thing that I got from it was that money and possessions make you cautious, it's true. I need to be free of that kind of caution right now if I'm going to find what I'm seeking.

How this will effect life in Brattleboro is yet to be determined. I won't really know until I'm well on my way.


Anonymous said...

Bob... go and with the best of intentions. You'll learn much from this and it will all be yours to cherish for a lifetime. I'm with you in my prayers and thoughts. Will enjoy accompanying you via your blog. God Bless and keep you safe!
Marcel Viens
Long Beach CA

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob :) Alicia passed on your site to me. I am so glad she did. I know we haven't known each other for very long (or very well), but I have enjoyed my time with you.
Your journey leaves me feeling incredibly envious. To discard all of the stuff that really isn't important and go out into the world....someday...
So sorry we never found the time to have another beer :)
God speed Bob.
(Alicia's crazy friend)

Anonymous said...

You have really cute nieces!!
We love you and will be constantly worrying and thinking about you. This will be a great adventure... enjoy and be safe. Can't wait to see you and hear your stories.
The Johnson 5
Montague, MA

Anonymous said...

Bob..I did not know how sad i would be with your leaving. i look up at your apt 2 x a day and feel sad. but happy for careful out there this weekend. peace (did you know the peace symbol is 50 years old this year?) i am putting a small picture/with story about it in the window. d

Pixy Stoneskipper said...

Hooo hoooo! You said about possessions: "I need to be free of that kind of caution right now if I'm going to find what I'm seeking."

Well now some asshole ganked all your shit. You had some sweet sounding gear too. I'm glad to hear you're still sounding positive. I'm even more glad that people are stepping up and being good to you.

As an aside, Brattleboro is cool. I spent the night there with kids that make free food for everyone who wants it. Always. And they tour on bicycle, and make crazy bicycles. Maybe you know of those cats. I was hungry - they had squash soup with jerk seasoning, and bread, and other misc goodies.

Anonymous said...

Look at that..I was able to remember your blog address. :)
Wasn't it beautiful on our waterfront tonight.. the fireworks compliments of our Seafest celebration was a lovely addition to the charm of our working water front and friendly folks.
Welcome to Yarmouth!!... It has been a pleasure meeting you and hearing your story. You certainly are an inspiration to many solo travelers..I will definitely look into the couch surfing rage...what a terrific way to travel and meet interesting people.
Just saying "Hi" Bob Hope to see you tomorrow. :)
Bye for now...Sheila