Friday, October 10, 2008

Quiet Time Now

OK, I need to get a handle on a few things; I'll write as soon as the fog clears.

You know, I really don't consider myself to be quite the drama queen that I seem to be portraying. I'm just shooting for "peaceful" and "happy", and when I don't get that, I get a little passionate, I admit it. I am certain though that "passionate" is more of an attribute than a flaw, at least when it's managed properly. Everybody's life has drama, hopefully most have passion as well, but only a small portion have blogs. What makes my drama different from everyone else's drama is mostly the format. I've chosen to continue posting my thoughts and feelings and experiences on this blog for as long as it feels right, but for now, I feel the need to refrain. It's just me needing calm.

So, that's my new mantra: peaceful/happy. Say it with me: peaceful/happy, peaceful/happy, repeat as indicated....

Peaceful/happy, peaceful/happy........




~Bob Viens said...

Oh, and thanks for the stale retirement cake. It was just what I needed. You know, that guy you married turned out to be OK too. Hey, you got a license to ride that chicken? :-)

~Bob Viens said...

The bag with the button up shirts is sitting next to me. I think I'll wash them.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying it too:


We'll see how these things turn out....

You're in my thoughts....


Anonymous said...

Cornflake Bob: You seem deeply conflicted. Could it be that in your search for yourself you have let others in that have not aided that search and the conflict over having to be yourself and embrace whatever/whoever you encounter in your journey means you are encountering forks in the road that take you down paths you wouldn't normally be travelling. Peace and happiness don't come merely from being devoid of what life hands us every day...true happiness and true peace comes when we can take the forks in the road, deal with whoever/whatever comes our way and all the turmoil they bring and still find happiness. I wish you well. BM

Anonymous said...

Many of us have encountered forks in the road that have taken us down paths we wouldn't normally be travelling. There's the rub. Maybe BM could elaborate further. This might be evidence of someone's eager willingness to travel on flights of fancy, as our friend here might possibly be doing. It could also be the result of an incrediblely good stroke of fate!

When the reason and motivation for being on a particular path becomes unclear, how do you know which of these forces are at work, and how long do you wait for it to be revealed? If it feels like your chosen path is leading you away from your original destination, when do you decide to break off and rejoin the original route?

Anonymous said...

Answer to Tis...when the people/things you encounter completely change your destination you can pretty well bet they'll change you too.That's when you go back to your original plan...most people really deep down (when they are truly alone on the mountain top) know when it is time to break it off but they cling to the fantasy that whatever happens happens for a reason and always presume that reason is to go with it when more often than not it should be a signal to stop and go back.....who among us realizes when we've taken the wrong fork, let alone the wrong road?BM